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Why It's Great To Be A Tall Guy

Why is being a tall guy so great? One of the reasons I'm doing this site is so that others who might have insecurities about their height can find the positives of being tall. If you're a guy, there is no shortage of things to like about being tall.
Time and time again we see the "studies" come out and confirm what seems to be the overarching truth: Girls really like tall guys. This is something we can really take advantage of! If you're tall, I encourage you to do everything you can to give yourself the happiest life possible. Focus on yourself and some of the core areas of your life - your health, your emotions, your finances, and your happiness or fulfillment. Being tall is an amazing vantage point to have in starting the process of getting your life the way you want it to be. If you don't believe this, consider the effects granted to you by having above average height.
As mentioned above, you're very desirable to girls. Combine this with a great personality, physical fitness, and a confident and assertive nature and you should be well on your way to being with almost any girl out there. In life, if you work hard enough, you can achieve almost anything you want. Wait, scratch that. Actually, you can achieve ANYTHING you want. You can set your goals and do whatever it takes to reach them. It doesn't matter how long it takes to reach the finish line. The time is always going to pass anyway. You can have the relationships you want by working on yourself in every area of your life.
A tall man on the top of his game has so many opportunities. I've mentioned elsewhere on this site some of the advantages to being tall - more attention, easily noticeable to others, and leadership opportunities just to name a few. These definitely tie in to the advantages of being a tall man. If you're a tall guy, no matter how tall, (anywhere from 6' to 7' and up) you have so many weapons at your disposal to create the life of your dreams.
The point of this article was just to point out that it is in fact a really good thing to be a tall man in society today. I know there are lots of young people out there who struggle with issues about themselves and lots of guys are worried about being too tall. If you're a tall man, I encourage you not to worry about anything at all relating to this. Just work to take advantage of the opportunities you have. It is an amazingly good thing to be tall. 

