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Standing Tall - Standing Out in a Crowd When You May Not Want To

When tall people stand in a crowd, we stand out. Sometimes we are head and shoulders above everyone else. It is no wonder we feel unique. When it comes to some of us, we have always been taller than everyone else. It is strange for us to look someone directly in the eye when standing up! We simply have no idea of what that feels like. It seems strange, but it's true. If you're very tall, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Only if you can find other tall people will you be able to look straight ahead when conversing with someone.
To be honest, I've never really thought about this too much. I guess that it just feels natural and we never question it. But if you stop to think about it, most people in the world are on the same level as everyone else when standing up. I imagine all the "normal" heighted people out there don't really think about this either. They are so used to seeing eye to eye with everyone they meet. How very strange is all this! Most people in the world don't have to look too far up or down to see who they are standing beside of.
I can imagine that being of average height and standing beside a tall or short person can make both people feel different, because we are used to seeing an average height. We are accustomed to a median height. I think that in this case, being different is good because it is rare. I would always choose to be unique compared to being the same as everyone else. This helped me to feel good about being tall, and I'm sure it would help anyone else going through discomfort about it.
Standing up and being above everyone you are around can possibly affect the way you feel about certain things, even subconsciously. I wonder how, though? Is it possible that tall people can feel a little disconnected with others because of their height? I would say so, in some small way. It depends how you feel about it. You have to not allow to yourself feel this way. Of course now, this should be such a small matter compared to everyday stresses that we go through, but it's something interesting to think about. I'm not suggesting that being tall is a hardship, because it's not at all. I just believe it's intriguing to think about how our perception of everyday occurrences could be different just because we are tall.
Have you ever thought about anything like this? Being tall or short allows us to see the world in a different way from others. Tall and short people view life through a different "lens." I never would have imagined that being tall could actually affect the way I interact with people I meet on a daily basis, but it definitely does. It can affect your personality, and the way other people perceive you. Your personality is most important. We get to choose what that can be. Standing out is something we can use to our advantage. And having more height is such a positive thing. We all should see it that way!

