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Tall Women Short Men - Why do we like these relationships?

Tall women short men couples are common and can be great! There is nothing to worry about if you are in a relationship like this. Lots of couples are very happy with their height difference. You may have noticed many couples lately that consist of a taller woman and shorter man. This is nothing new! There are many people out there who love to see relationships where the woman is taller than the man. You may be conditioned to think that the woman is supposed to be shorter, but this is not true at all. There is no set precedent that says the man must be taller. If you are happy with the way the two of you are, there is no reason that a shorter man cannot be with a taller woman.
When it comes to height, everyone is just plain different. Height does not affect anything on an emotional level. It's true, there may be some physical differences between people of different heights, but we know that this does not have anything to do with whether two people care for each other. I know it sounds like common sense, but sometimes we just have to remember this! We may think it is strange for a woman to be taller than the man, but it has no bearing on the connection between the two people.
If you are contemplating being in a relationship that involves a tall woman/short man, please do not think of what you feel society "says is right." You should make the decision for yourself. After all, it is your happiness we are talking about! And this person could truly be right for you. It would be so tragic to not pursue being with a person because you feel pressure from outside that says you shouldn't. You should focus only on yourself. Would this make you happy? That is what really matters.
I actually think that a lot of tall women short men couples seem to be very happy. Maybe it's because they have "gotten over" this little issue, and it has made them strong together. They always seem to be confident together. Ask any guy out there, and I'm sure he'll say he loves his tall wife or girlfriend! And it's likewise with the woman. She will say she wouldn't have it any other way. The man she is with is just right for her.
I'm sure you've seen the celebrity couples where the woman is taller, and how they may be happy together. But it's even more special to see the couples in real life. If you want to be with someone who is taller or shorter than you, then I encourage you to really go for it! There is a reason you like them in the first place. You are attracted to them already. So I would give it a shot and see what happens! You never know what will come out of this. You could end up really happy.
I wish you good luck. I hope everything goes well!! :) 

