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How Tall is Tom Cruise?

How tall is Tom Cruise? According to the sources I checked, the leading actor appears to be around 5'7" in height. Tom Cruise has always been very popular in these height related searches. His stature is a little bit shorter than that of the average American man, but I'd say he's done quite well for himself. He's one of the leading actors in Hollywood and is popular in every role he plays.
It also goes to show that height has no bearing on whether you can succeed in life. Do you think a lot of women find Tom Cruise attractive? I would be willing to definitely bet so. He might be just a smidge under the average height for males, and he probably has women going crazy for him all the time. This just goes to show, girls do not ONLY like tall guys! If you're a guy reading this who happens to be around the same size as Tom Cruise, understand that you can be that guy (you know the kind I'm talking about) no matter how tall you are.
When it comes to admiring the people in our culture, we always seem to look for those with a lot of fame or high status. (Some would even say high stature.) With Tom Cruise though, you can see that tall stature is not needed to excel in any area of life. Relationships, social status, financial status - height does not prohibit anyone from having any of this.
Interestingly enough, he has been named one of the sexiest men in the world many times. I think it's a given that people look up to him and admire his work. 5'7" has the potential to be just the right height for anyone. 

