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Are tall people happier in life?

I love being a tall person. It intrigues me when I see articles and news clips saying that tall people might be happier in life. I can certainly see the advantages of being tall. I think it could be true to some extent that tall people could be happy when it comes to certain things in life. Our height is a wonderful blessing if we choose to see it that way.
For example, we can use our height to internally express confidence in ourself. Being tall makes us different. It makes us unique. Without our height, we wouldn't have this particular situation. I know that for myself, my height has been something I have gotten used to. At first I was sort of apathetic about being very tall, I didn't really like it or dislike it. But now, I am learning to embrace it. It's not even something I think about every day. Being tall has given me something to take pride in. I can definitely see how this would make a tall person happy.
There also are socially unconscious benefits to being tall. People think certain things about tall people without even realizing it. Tall people are sometimes perceived as being better leaders. They may command more respect without noticing it. Even men and women often gravitate towards tall people when looking for a partner. Once again, they may not consciously realize they are doing this. But it happens. These are all reasons that it would seem to make tall people very happy.
If you're tall, I definitely recommend that you do the best you can to embrace these positive traits. We didn't choose to be tall. Being tall certainly has its setbacks. But it is so advantageous for us to take advantage of everything that being tall has to offer. Truly take pride in your height. When you do this, your self-esteem can sky-rocket. I remember when I first told myself that I would never want to change my height. Even if I had the choice to choose my height, I would still stay very tall. I felt so wonderful about making this decision. It was a really great thing for me.
I can't say whether tall people are happier. But I do know that anyone can be happy. It is all a matter of working on yourself, working to improve yourself and your prospects in life. Intellectually stimulated people and those who strive for learning do seem to be very satisfied. No matter what you do, if you keep this in mind, you always have the potential to be happier in the future. 

