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How Tall is Brad Pitt?

How tall is Brad Pitt? He seems to be around 5'11" according to sources around the internet. It actually seems surprising given that you might think he is taller. He has always been known as a "ladies man", or a " hollywood hunk," or whatever name you would want to call him. Most people would guess that he is a little bit taller.

Just like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt isn't very very tall. He is around the average height for males. And once again, he is very attractive to the ladies. I think I'm sensing a pattern here. Girls like tall guys, but it isn't a prerequisite for being attractive. These guys know how to make it work without being super tall. (Although, the actor/movie star thing may have a little something to do with

it, you think?)

He's a guy that a lot of us look up to. I know that lots of guys wish they could look similar to Brad Pitt. Since this is a website focused around tall people, I can give you a small hint. Most of us tall guys can! It just depends on how hard and willing you are to work to achieve your fitness goals. I'm sure that if you were really committed, you could have your body almost any way you wanted it. Brad Pitt probably has to train for his movies to have just the right kind of body size. Could you do this too? Maybe this will give you a little motivation to try and start.

Being even 5'11" is a great height to have. There is no best height in the world. It really is up to how you perceive it. It's very interesting to examine the heights of famous people to see how they compare to us.

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