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Being an Extremely Tall Guy

Being an extremely tall guy can be unique, but also challenging. It can be difficult to growing up with a large height difference over other people. Even so, it shouldn't be something to find hard times with.
Being very tall can sometimes make you feel awkward. I have felt like this many times in many different situations. But I have begun to realize something very important. This feeling of awkwardness comes from me alone. People out there do not really find it to be a big deal to hang around someone who is very tall. Yes, they may notice when they first meet you that you happen to be a tall person. After a few minutes however, this is completely irrelevant to the two of you or whatever group you happen to be in. I hope this helps you to realize that you being tall isn't something that everyone else is obsessively thinking about. Because it's not.
You may think people will always remember you in their heads as "that tall guy." Being tall is not your defining feature in life. I've learned that your personality and the way you treat people is what others will remember about you. Please don't think that people will only think of you as "that big tall guy." People don't think as much about your height as you may think they do. This is something I used to wonder about. But I've realized that my height doesn't matter to people at all. This is something you can be happy with when thinking about your height.
I hope all of you tall guys out there can really take pride in being tall. Trust me, there are many people who would love to have our height. I receive comments all the time of people telling me they wish they were my size. So that's pretty cool, I have to admit. Plus, we know all the advantages that come with being tall. Our height is something we cannot change. If we are tall, we're always going to be tall. Obviously, we'll be tall for the rest of our lives. So the best thing we can do is take pride in the advantages we have. I hope you can learn to love yourself and your height. Let it show through in your personality and the way you interact with others.
I hope that maybe you've found some of these words to be helpful in a small way. If you're struggling with accepting your height, please remember that there are many of us tall guys out there. Don't ever fear. Being an extremely tall guy is a very good thing to be. 

