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Am I Too Tall??

Have you ever felt like you are too tall? I know a lot of people out there, especially kids, feel like this sometimes. It's not always easy growing up being taller than everyone else. And I mean this for both girls and guys. I know that girls can sometimes have a really hard time dealing with being taller than their friends. And they don't like being taller than the guys their age either. Likewise, tall boys can feel the same way. They may feel that girls won't want to be with them because they are "too tall."
I know how hard it can be growing up taller than everyone else. I have been through exactly the same thing. I was always much taller than all of my classmates, and even taller than all of the adults I was around. So I know what it feels like. I just want to let all of you tall people out there know that it is okay to be tall! This is so important to realize. No one is "too tall." There is no such thing as that. Everyone in life has their differences and troubles they may be going through. We should try to understand that all people go through hardships at one time or another. And struggling to accept our height is no different.
When it comes down to it, there is really nothing too big about us being taller than everyone else. So we may stand out a little more from other people. But what does this matter? In the big scheme of things, it doesn't make a difference at all. We are still all people. And all people are different. When you are a teen growing up, life can be hard sometimes, but it is important to see the big picture. Everything will be okay in the long run. Our height makes us unique. If you are in a school with 500 people and you are the tallest one there, guess what? That means that you have something that 499 people don't have. This should really be something to celebrate! I have come to love the fact that I am different from most of the people I run into. It took a lot of time for me to learn to accept myself fully, but now that I have, it feels really great. I know that you can get this confidence too. It just takes time and the ability to appreciate yourself for the person you are - a special human being who is unlike anyone else on this earth.
It's also worth noting that there are many people just like you who are also going through the same thing. The internet has opened us up to so much that we otherwise wouldn't have access to. We can read about other people's experiences and feelings and compare them to our own. For example, if you are a girl, you can check out the dating page http://tallloving.com/ to know  what many other girls have said about their height and you can  also find a guy like you have the same troubles to make friends. You are not alone at all. And you are never "too tall." You are just the right size for who you are.

