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How Tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger?

So how tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger? He is about 6'2 in height according to a lot of places on the internet. However, I did find different stories claiming him to be shorter. Some people say 5'11. It all depends on the source. I think however tall you believe he may be, it doesn't quite make a difference in how we perceive him. When I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm reminded of him in his heyday, being a very muscular movie star. I'm sure this is how others see him too.
Arnold is known for many things. He's been a bodybuilder, an actor, and a politician. His accent is very recognizable to lots of people. You can probably bet that his height helped him get the action movie roles he is well known for. This along with his bulk has made him so noticeable and famous.
I also believe it's worth pointing out what fitness can do for anybody out there. If you're a tall person who works out, you can really be well noticed. He is very famous for his bodybuilding persona and his movie roles seem to revolve around this. You just know that he has inspired many young guys out there to start working out in some form or fashion.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of those guys I will always remember for being buff and fit. He is tall for a guy, but not terribly so. If he really is 6'2, he's a great example of what tall guys can achieve if they become serious about bodybuilding or weight training. Perhaps all tall guys should consider weightlifing if they are able. 

