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Are tall people slower?

Do you think tall people are slower? This seems so strange to consider. It has been said that tall people may have slower sensory reactions compared to others. This is due to us having longer nerves. You may have also heard that tall people just move slower. I don't know if you really believe this or not, but it feels crazy that something like this could be true.

I suppose that each person is different, but the way we move really affects us. If you have more of an upbeat type of personality, you probably move quicker. This seems kind of obvious. But could it be possible that tall people move slower, no matter what? We have longer legs, so you may be quick to think that we can walk faster than others. This is because we have longer strides in our steps. But on the other hand, it may take a longer time to take each step. (Of course, we're dealing with very small numbers here - probably milliseconds.) This all may not seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and it's probably not. But I'd bet it would be interesting to know how much longer it takes us to take our steps and do other movements (bicyclying, etc).
The more important thing to take into account is probably our level of energy. More energetic people will move faster when doing just about anything. So a tall person could overcome any shortcomings they have with their walking speed by building up their energy levels.

So there you have it, a topic that probably isn't important at all, but just something unique to consider. I've always been fascinated in little small tidbits of random information like this. I have no idea if tall people are actually "slower" than other people and I don't really think it makes a difference. But it's very cool to think about.

