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How Tall is Johnny Depp?

So how tall is Johnny Depp? He's another famous actor well known for his many different movie roles. He seems to play eccentric, off-beat type characters. He's very unique and his height is something people always ask about. He's not exceptionally tall, either. Johnny Depp is under six feet in height. But his exact size is a little confusing. Doing basic internet searches (you can do the same kind of searches) I couldn't find an exact, concrete answer. Some sources say he's around 5'10. Other's say 5'9" and I've even read that he could be more around 5'7". But whatever his height, it's safe to say that it has probably been interesting for him.
After watching some of his movies, you can see that his ability as an actor to play odd types of characters really comes in handy. I wonder if how tall he is has affected his ability to get roles or play his characters. I can imagine that being very tall would affect my ability as an actor. I wonder if Johnny Depp was taller if he would have a harder time being himself? He's a pretty unique actor.
Even though I couldn't quite get an exact figure for his height, we all know that he's not a super tall kind of guy. But it doesn't matter at all. He's extremely successful and probably will be for the rest of his acting career. Everyone knows him from the Pirates movies, but he also has other interesting roles as well. Johnny Depp, though not a tall guy, is a great actor and movie superstar. 

