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Do you play basketball?

Do you play basketball? How many times have you ever been asked this question? If you're like me, you've heard this many times. Like probably into the thousands of times. It's a question we tall people have gotten used to hearing over the years. No matter your age, I'm sure you have heard people ask you this.
People just see us and their first reaction is to think of basketball. It seems that this is the first thing they associate tall people with, which probably makes sense. There doesn't seem to be a lot of tall people represented in pop culture other than in basketball or sports. If only this was different, I don't think we would receive as many comments about playing basketball.
If you're a little tired of being asked this question, I can really feel for you! I've been asked this many times. I suppose the best thing to do is to answer truthfully (whether you do play or not) and try to be friendly. But I can understand if it's hard to answer with a smile every time.
I do believe that a lot of people actually understand that tall people are asked this question very often. I often get people saying "I bet you get that a lot," which is very true and very generous of them to realize. Maybe in the future... this question will lose it's popularity. We all know that tall people do more than play basketball! 

