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No matter how tall you are also can make difference!

You may be wondering, "How Tall is Matt Damon?" Damon has been popular for the last decade or so and has had starring roles in more than a few flicks. The general consensus on the internet is that Matt Damon is 5'10. He may be a inch or two taller, but this is the general range for his height. When you think about him, you probably don't think about his height at first, because it's not a defining feature of him. But many people would like to know just how tall he is, and that is precisely why he is featured here.
We may not have exact data for the heights of celebrities, but we can generally make a good guess based on the impression of the person. Matt Damon does appear to be about 6 feet tall or slightly less in pictures. 5'10 is probably a very good estimate. He is not super tall or has a height out of the ordinary. This is interesting because we seem to notice that not a lot of celebrity men seem to be very tall. This is in line with real life, where only a small percentage of men are actually somewhat tall.
As mentioned previously, Matt Damon has been very popular in recent years, due to work in films and charity efforts. His height may have nothing to do with his success, but he is mentioned here because lots of people ask about him. He is probably one of the most successful actors of our time. He also is not successful because of his height, it has nothing to do with his success as an actor. Matt Damon is about 5'10 in height. 

