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Relationships with Tall Women

Tall Women - we guys love them. What could be better than being with a tall girl? If you're like me, you are very attracted to them. Just like we are attracted to girls of all sizes ;). But if you think there is something special about a tall woman, you are not alone. Many guys desire them. If you're one of those guys, read on and you'll see why we like them so well.
Well first, what's not to like? Tall girls are the very embodiment of beauty. They are elegant and classy (At least I think so.) When you're with a girl who is tall, she stands out in a very modest way. No wonder we like them!! Guys always want to be able to show off their girl, to be proud of them. And we can do this with a tall lady. They are very lovely. These are just some of the reasons that tall girls are so attractive!
We always want to make girls feel good about themselves. We live in a world where it is very hard to be different sometimes. No matter how you may be different. I know that some tall girls out there, especially teens, have a hard time of dealing with their height. I know exactly where they are coming from, because I am really tall, too. I just want you girls to know that... you are just right the way you are. Stand proud and love your body. If you start to do this, eventually you will become more and more comfortable with yourself. And it will show through. Guys will love you, your friends will notice, and any nervousness you have about being tall will all be gone. It might take time, but just try starting. I know you can do it.
Guys, if you're attracted to a girl who is taller than you, don't fear that she won't like you! Many girls would gladly date someone who is shorter than them. Don't pay attention to any stereotypes that say girls ONLY want taller guys. This is just simply not true at all. Girls are more attracted to the kind of person you are. If you're confident, lovable, and have a sense of humor, girls will like you. I guarantee it. It's just a matter of putting yourself out there and letting yourself be known. When we fall for someone... we fall for the person on the inside. If a girl gets to know the real you, she may just end up liking you as well.
When it comes to dating, any kind of a height difference will work in a relationship. Being with a tall girl can be wonderful, fun, and exciting. You'll have a girl who is unique in her own way... what more could a guy ask for?

Guys, What Do You Have To Say??

What do you think about tall girls? If you are with a tall woman, share your story!! Or you can share your feelings about tall girls in general.i am very pleased to hear good news from you !

