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Tall Comebacks

I'm really interested in having a section on this site all about comebacks and how to respond when people make comments about our height. I would be very interested in knowing any replies you may have thought of! Do you ever say anything back when people say something about how tall you are? Many of us are ok with people talking about our height all the time, but I definitely understand that we can get tired of it after it happens so often. If you have any witty or interesting comments, I'd love to hear them from you!
Making "comebacks" can be hard sometimes. We've heard the usual responses to some of the questions we hear.
"Wow, do you play basketball?"
"No. Do you play mini-golf?"
"Wow, you're really tall."
"Thanks, I never noticed."
These are just some of the example of replies us tall people might be accustomed to giving. I know there are many more ideas you guys have. What are some of the replies or comebacks you have thought of?
I don't mean for the replies to be mean or hurtful! That is not my intention at all. I've just been considering some of the possible comebacks we could give when commented on or asked about our height. Hopefully we could reply back in a friendly or non-threatening way when given these types of comments from others.
I know there are many things we could say to help start a conversation with the other person. If they are genuinely interested in talking with us, a great reply back to them could kick start that conversation. There will always be people who make comments just to be rude or without caring, but we shouldn't care about what they say, either. The friendly ones are who we should be focused on.
I'd really love to see this section filled with lots of interesting replies to the tall comments we receive. We could help each other out by offering suggestions for things we could say. If you have some great ideas, feel free to leave them here so everyone can read them! 

Thought of any great comebacks?

Have you thought of any great comebacks for when you get comments on your height? Share with us and let us know!

