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What should we do as a Tall Guy in dating

Dating as a Tall Guy

So you're a tall guy. Dating may be a little different for you, but definitely you have things that other guys don't have.


The  major important thing to remember is that you should be confident in who you are. Confidence is the most important thing for all guys. I promise you. If you are confident enough. you will attract more people to you just by your personality alone. Have you ever heard about  the idea that "Girls go for bad boys"? It may seem to be true a lot of the time. However, it's not really the "bad boy" part they are going for. Some girls are attracted to these kinds of guys because their confidence . These guys appear to be strong and very unafraid of who they are. That is what the girls like about them. They seem to be confident. You can have what they have, just except for the "bad boy" part. You don't have to be like them (I'm definitely not), but if you learn to be strong in who you are, girls will pick up on this. You can even be a quiet and gentler type of guy and if you show a confident presence, people will notice you.because you are fascinating guys

With that being said, doing simple things like standing up straight and working on your posture is also very important. You will want to stand up straight when you walk and stand. It's also a good idea to sit up straight when you are sitting down. This helps it become more natural for you to have your back straight.

Exercise is great for everyone and it is something that tall guys should do, too. I believe that being in great physical shape really suits tall men. What I mean is that tall guys look good when they are in good shape. You don't have to be a bodybuilder or muscle man, but looking fit is a great thing to attract girls.

The person you are is probably the biggest factor in determing what kinds of girls will like you. I've noticed that many tall guys seem to be of the "calm, quiet" variety. They aren't very loud people because all of their life they have been getting attention when they haven't asked for it. So they don't have a reason to be loud. And they certainly don't have a reason to try to attract more attention to themselves. Being tall has already done this. It's perfectly okay to be a quiet and calm person. It's great, actually. Many girls will love this. If you choose to, you can be tall, calm, and confident... and girls will probably go crazy for you. Combine this with being physically fit and having a friendly personality, and you should be almost unbeatable.

Remember, being tall is a great thing and lots of girls are really interested in tall men. You can use this to your advantage in finding a great girl who will make you happy! Just play to your strengths and be who you are. Let your personality come through and be approachable. There will be a girl out there, somewhere, who will love you exactly how you are. There will be a girl who will love your height. Always stay strong, and most importantly, learn to love your uniqueness.

Have A Great Story To Share?

Would you like to tell about your experiences in dating? Do you have a girl who loves your height? Or maybe you have something to say about girls and tall men? Share it here, i will appreciate !

as i know many tall guys no matter you are girl or boy ,you have to face a serious  problem ,maybe you can not find a proper girl in height who you like ,so there is a place that created for all tall guys to find their partner http://www.tallloving.com/

