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Showers for Tall People - Why do the shower heads seem so low?

This seems silly, but being in the shower is sometimes different for tall people! Depending on your height, the water may hit anywhere from your head down to your chest. Personally, the water hits me at around my chest from the shower head. This is normal for me. It is just strange to imagine that for most people, the water hits on or around their head. I just couldn’t imagine that! It’s another thing that makes life different for tall people. We also adjust the shower head as high as it can go, and it usually comes up at around the top of our chests.
What could it be like to shower with the water running down over our heads? For some of us… we’ll never know. We bend over to wash our hair, and then stand up to dry it. Showering must be really different for people of a more standard height. I try to imagine shorter people, too. For them, the water must be really high coming down on top of them! Now that would be very strange. Water running over your head while standing up is what most “normal” people probably feel, but tall people don’t have that luxury. Oh well…
Using public showers can be even more daunting sometimes. You have to be careful in hotels. You never know what their showers will be like.
Tall people, have you ever wondered how it would be to shower with the water coming down at our heads? Instead of near our chests? It’s just another something wonderful to think about.
And no, this article is not completely serious. I really hope no one out there goes around thinking about showers constantly. :) 

