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For all tall girls tall boys tall man and tall woman make serious relationship: Relationships with Tall Women
For all tall girls tall boys tall man and tall woman make serious relationship: Relationships with Tall Women: Tall Women - we guys love them. What could be better than being with a tall girl? If you're like me, you are very attracted to the...
Relationships with Tall Women
Tall Women - we guys love them. What could be better than being with a tall girl? If you're like me, you are very attracted to them. Just like we are attracted to girls of all sizes ;). But if you think there is something special about a tall woman, you are not alone. Many guys desire them. If you're one of those guys, read on and you'll see why we like them so well.
Well first, what's not to like? Tall girls are the very embodiment of beauty. They are elegant and classy (At least I think so.) When you're with a girl who is tall, she stands out in a very modest way. No wonder we like them!! Guys always want to be able to show off their girl, to be proud of them. And we can do this with a tall lady. They are very lovely. These are just some of the reasons that tall girls are so attractive!
We always want to make girls feel good about themselves. We live in a world where it is very hard to be different sometimes. No matter how you may be different. I know that some tall girls out there, especially teens, have a hard time of dealing with their height. I know exactly where they are coming from, because I am really tall, too. I just want you girls to know that... you are just right the way you are. Stand proud and love your body. If you start to do this, eventually you will become more and more comfortable with yourself. And it will show through. Guys will love you, your friends will notice, and any nervousness you have about being tall will all be gone. It might take time, but just try starting. I know you can do it.
Guys, if you're attracted to a girl who is taller than you, don't fear that she won't like you! Many girls would gladly date someone who is shorter than them. Don't pay attention to any stereotypes that say girls ONLY want taller guys. This is just simply not true at all. Girls are more attracted to the kind of person you are. If you're confident, lovable, and have a sense of humor, girls will like you. I guarantee it. It's just a matter of putting yourself out there and letting yourself be known. When we fall for someone... we fall for the person on the inside. If a girl gets to know the real you, she may just end up liking you as well.
When it comes to dating, any kind of a height difference will work in a relationship. Being with a tall girl can be wonderful, fun, and exciting. You'll have a girl who is unique in her own way... what more could a guy ask for?
Guys, What Do You Have To Say??
What do you think about tall girls? If you are with a tall woman, share your story!! Or you can share your feelings about tall girls in general.i am very pleased to hear good news from you !
what problems tall people will face in reality
If you're tall, you have no doubt had trouble fitting in somewhere. Likely, you have had trouble fitting into many places. Or maybe, you feel like you have trouble fitting in EVERYWHERE. Why do we have this problem? What makes the world sometimes seem so small to a tall person?
The truth is, things just weren't made for our sizes. Chairs, beds, cars, etc are made for people within an average range of height. The majority of the population (probably 80-90%) fall within this range. Products are made to accommodate the most amount of people possible, so the focus is put upon what is considered to be average size. This means that we tall people get left out.
We aren't the only ones, though. Shorter people also have a hard time fitting into places, or adjusting to the sizes of some things in the world. Tall people and short people have so much in common. They both have to adjust to objects that were not made for their size! I like to imagine that anytime a tall person comes into contact with a short person, they should each give each other a sly smile or wink, because they're both part of a secret "club."
Anyway, fitting into places not meant for us is something hard to do. Have you ever had your legs cramped sitting in a car much too small for you? Or how about sitting in a public place somewhere? It can get very painful. Your legs need to stretch, but there is no room. Sometimes hospital beds can be too small. Everyone wonders how you can fit into such a bed with your feet hanging out. And you usually just answer that you're used to it. Being tall has some great advantages, but having to squeeze your body into somewhere seemingly everywhere you go is not fun.
I can't imagine trying to remember all the different places I have had to cram myself into. It would probably take many sheets of paper to write them all down. Let's see... the movie theater, school desks, almost any kind of car, standing in some houses.... but the thing is, we just need to do the best we can. It's always hard to be the only person who has trouble fitting in somewhere (and I mean literally fitting your body into a certain space), but if we try to remember the positive effects of being tall it can help.
I would recommend to stand up or sit up straight. I know, I'm guilty of not doing it sometimes, but it will help against back pain. Also, sitting in an upright position may give your legs a little bit of wiggle room. It depends on where you are. It can help you stretch just a little bit. I always try to remember to sit up straight and I correct myself if I find that I am not doing it.
If you have trouble fitting into places, don't worry, you are not alone. Many tall people have to squeeze their bodies into tight places just to fit in. I know these are the times in which we wish we could be shorter, but try to see the bigger picture. And maybe someday society will come around and tailor things to be made for the sizes of all people. We can always hope, right? Anyways, I hope you don't worry too much about how uncomfortable things may get sometimes. Just keep your head high, try to see the bigger picture (it is awesome to be tall), and enjoy the positive benefits that come with being a tall person. :)
Are tall people exercises actually tougher?
Exercising is important for everyone, but tall people exercises can sometimes seem very hard. Have you ever felt like it seems unusually tough to perform certain moves? I sometimes have, and I'm probably not alone. I see a lot of people on the internet saying they have a hard time doing push-ups, pull-ups, and similar other exercises.
If you're starting out, you must realize that it will take time to work your way up to performing at a high level. It can be tough, but just start slow. I'll use push-ups as an example. It seems that lots of tall people have trouble with push-ups. It is hard to have correct form and it's tough to do many repetitions while holding this form. It is very important to start out very slowly. When beginning push-ups, for example, you likely won't be able to do very many at first. You can perform them with your knees on the ground, and work your way up to standard push-ups. Of course, it's much better to get push-up advice from an exercise website, but I hope you get the idea.
When practicing any exercise, it doesn't matter how long it takes to work your way up to full strength. It is just important to start. You will be making positive progress the whole time, which is the main point of fitness training. The journey is just as exciting as the end result. If you notice that you can do one more push-up this week than you could last week, that is great! Steady progress is very fulfilling. When you work on something and finally accomplish it, there is no better feeling. Your body will love having more strength and stamina.
You may be amazed, especially as a taller person, at how differently you will feel when you have been working out. It is definitely something everyone should do. Besides having better stamina, you will be stronger, less tired, and more aware during the day. Having energy to get through the day is a huge thing that cannot be underestimated, as everything is harder without it. If you exercise, you will notice a big difference in the way you feel even after only two weeks or less. It is pretty amazing to think how differently your perception of life can be because you have started a fitness regimen.
Tall people may have longer or bigger bodies than most people, but it doesn't mean we can't perform the same exercises. It is just so crucial to realize that strength training of any kind takes time. Don't let any disadvantages hold you back from achieving what you want to have. If you want to be fit, don't give up!
Showers for Tall People - Why do the shower heads seem so low?
This seems silly, but being in the shower is sometimes different for tall people! Depending on your height, the water may hit anywhere from your head down to your chest. Personally, the water hits me at around my chest from the shower head. This is normal for me. It is just strange to imagine that for most people, the water hits on or around their head. I just couldn’t imagine that! It’s another thing that makes life different for tall people. We also adjust the shower head as high as it can go, and it usually comes up at around the top of our chests.
What could it be like to shower with the water running down over our heads? For some of us… we’ll never know. We bend over to wash our hair, and then stand up to dry it. Showering must be really different for people of a more standard height. I try to imagine shorter people, too. For them, the water must be really high coming down on top of them! Now that would be very strange. Water running over your head while standing up is what most “normal” people probably feel, but tall people don’t have that luxury. Oh well…
Using public showers can be even more daunting sometimes. You have to be careful in hotels. You never know what their showers will be like.
Tall people, have you ever wondered how it would be to shower with the water coming down at our heads? Instead of near our chests? It’s just another something wonderful to think about.
And no, this article is not completely serious. I really hope no one out there goes around thinking about showers constantly. :)
Standing Tall - Standing Out in a Crowd When You May Not Want To
When tall people stand in a crowd, we stand out. Sometimes we are head and shoulders above everyone else. It is no wonder we feel unique. When it comes to some of us, we have always been taller than everyone else. It is strange for us to look someone directly in the eye when standing up! We simply have no idea of what that feels like. It seems strange, but it's true. If you're very tall, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Only if you can find other tall people will you be able to look straight ahead when conversing with someone.
To be honest, I've never really thought about this too much. I guess that it just feels natural and we never question it. But if you stop to think about it, most people in the world are on the same level as everyone else when standing up. I imagine all the "normal" heighted people out there don't really think about this either. They are so used to seeing eye to eye with everyone they meet. How very strange is all this! Most people in the world don't have to look too far up or down to see who they are standing beside of.
I can imagine that being of average height and standing beside a tall or short person can make both people feel different, because we are used to seeing an average height. We are accustomed to a median height. I think that in this case, being different is good because it is rare. I would always choose to be unique compared to being the same as everyone else. This helped me to feel good about being tall, and I'm sure it would help anyone else going through discomfort about it.
Standing up and being above everyone you are around can possibly affect the way you feel about certain things, even subconsciously. I wonder how, though? Is it possible that tall people can feel a little disconnected with others because of their height? I would say so, in some small way. It depends how you feel about it. You have to not allow to yourself feel this way. Of course now, this should be such a small matter compared to everyday stresses that we go through, but it's something interesting to think about. I'm not suggesting that being tall is a hardship, because it's not at all. I just believe it's intriguing to think about how our perception of everyday occurrences could be different just because we are tall.
Have you ever thought about anything like this? Being tall or short allows us to see the world in a different way from others. Tall and short people view life through a different "lens." I never would have imagined that being tall could actually affect the way I interact with people I meet on a daily basis, but it definitely does. It can affect your personality, and the way other people perceive you. Your personality is most important. We get to choose what that can be. Standing out is something we can use to our advantage. And having more height is such a positive thing. We all should see it that way!
Building A Tall People Club?
A Tall People Club is an interesting idea that many people seem to like. Would you like being part of a place for tall people? I suppose this website is that very type of thing. It is a location for us to come together. I really hope that this website will grow to be a really great place for tall people on the internet.
Do you have any ideas for anything you would like to see on this website? If so, please send them in using the Contact Us link on the left of the screen. Maybe you have an idea of something that would make this site better, or ideas about where this site should go in the future. Do you have any suggestions for things you would like to see added? Feel free to say anything.
I always care about what you guys think. Don't be afraid to recommend anything! Your comments and suggestions are very important to me. If you think this website would make a great tall people club, I'd love to hear what you have to say!
Until next time, take care and I hope you come back soon. Have a great time on www.tallloving.com
Tall Women Short Men - Why do we like these relationships?
Tall women short men couples are common and can be great! There is nothing to worry about if you are in a relationship like this. Lots of couples are very happy with their height difference. You may have noticed many couples lately that consist of a taller woman and shorter man. This is nothing new! There are many people out there who love to see relationships where the woman is taller than the man. You may be conditioned to think that the woman is supposed to be shorter, but this is not true at all. There is no set precedent that says the man must be taller. If you are happy with the way the two of you are, there is no reason that a shorter man cannot be with a taller woman.
When it comes to height, everyone is just plain different. Height does not affect anything on an emotional level. It's true, there may be some physical differences between people of different heights, but we know that this does not have anything to do with whether two people care for each other. I know it sounds like common sense, but sometimes we just have to remember this! We may think it is strange for a woman to be taller than the man, but it has no bearing on the connection between the two people.
If you are contemplating being in a relationship that involves a tall woman/short man, please do not think of what you feel society "says is right." You should make the decision for yourself. After all, it is your happiness we are talking about! And this person could truly be right for you. It would be so tragic to not pursue being with a person because you feel pressure from outside that says you shouldn't. You should focus only on yourself. Would this make you happy? That is what really matters.
I actually think that a lot of tall women short men couples seem to be very happy. Maybe it's because they have "gotten over" this little issue, and it has made them strong together. They always seem to be confident together. Ask any guy out there, and I'm sure he'll say he loves his tall wife or girlfriend! And it's likewise with the woman. She will say she wouldn't have it any other way. The man she is with is just right for her.
I'm sure you've seen the celebrity couples where the woman is taller, and how they may be happy together. But it's even more special to see the couples in real life. If you want to be with someone who is taller or shorter than you, then I encourage you to really go for it! There is a reason you like them in the first place. You are attracted to them already. So I would give it a shot and see what happens! You never know what will come out of this. You could end up really happy.
I wish you good luck. I hope everything goes well!! :)
Are you man enough to date tall women?
I'm tall. I mean, I'm really tall. And I don't mean 5'10" tall. I'm 6'1". That's ridiculously tall. Kermit the Frog once said: "It's not easy being green." Well, it's not easy being a tall woman, either.
Among the more common pickup lines we tall ladies hear:
"Do you play basketball?" (No.)
"What's the weather like up there?" (Icy.)
"I'd like to climb you." (Really, I'd rather you wouldn't.)
While some women think being tall is something worth writing a book about -- like Arianne Cohen's "The Tall Book" -- other women perceive it to be a disability equivalent to a clubfoot. Mostly, it's a blessing and a curse. I can reach the highest shelves, but I'll never blend into the crowd. Dating? That's a whole other story. For guys who admire amazons, here's how to woo a tall chick.
1. Stay away from the cheesy lines. Speaking on behalf of tall women everywhere, I would like to deliver this breaking news: We know we're tall. "Gee, you're tall," "How tall are you?" and "Do you play basketball/volleyball?" will not endear you to us.
We live every day in these elongated bodies. Consequently, some of us suffer from Tall Girl Syndrome. We love our height, but we may be ambivalent about it, too. Standing head-and-shoulders above the rest doesn't always feel so, well, girly. Hit on us about anything other than our height -- our brains, our beauty, out favorite books -- and leave the tall talk for Turk.
The Frisky: What happens to female friendship after you turn 30?
2. Get over it. Maybe you've never gone out with a tall woman. Maybe you're a little intimidated. Maybe she's taller than you. When dating a tall woman, operate under this premise: She's fine with the fact that she's tall. Let it be fine for you.
Unless we hail from Amazonia, intimidating men is not our favorite past-time. If you feel intimidated, that's on you. Relax! Get over it! Forget about it! Most vertically-endowed women don't care how tall you are. They care what kind of man you are. Let her know who you are, and she may fall for you.
The Frisky: Things that will get an ex to take you back
3. Treat her like a lady. We can look Chad Ochocinco in the eye, but we're like every other woman on the inside, so treat us accordingly.
Do: hold my hand, tell me I look hot, put your arm around me. Don't: ask me to hold my hand up to yours and exclaim over how big mine is, wonder out loud what size shoe I wear, request to breed a basketball team with me.
My height does not my character make. I'd rather you open the door for me, send me flowers, or walk on the proper side of the sidewalk (the outside) than make me feel like a ... freak. As kids, tall girls get teased for their stature. Not everyone was 5'10" in the eighth grade, you know. If you love our height, let us know! But don't make a spectacle out of it. We'll love you for it.
The Frisky: Help! My boyfriend's getting fat!
4. We're all the same height in bed. Honestly, I don't totally get why men get so flummoxed about wooing skyscraper-sized women. Sometimes, I wonder if it's sexual anxiety -- are men worried they won't "measure up" in the bedroom? We know we're all the same height when it comes to sex. In terms of anatomy, the parts generally work themselves out. In all likelihood, I won't end up marrying a midget, but, for the most part, height is no big deal when you're doing the horizontal mambo.
The Frisky: What you should know if you insist on being the other woman
5. And if you're worried about what other people think ...
You pick her up for a date. In stilettos, she's way taller than you. Gulp. What will your buddies think when you roll into the party with a woman who towers above you?
When other guys see a man with a woman who's taller than he is, they assume one of two things: A) He has a lot of money, or B) He's really good in bed. Bagging a six-footer is big-game hunting. If you land one, everyone will assume you're you¹re big-time. Now, get out there, and find yourself a tall woman. I bet she's waiting for you -- with her heels on.
Being an Extremely Tall Guy
Being an extremely tall guy can be unique, but also challenging. It can be difficult to growing up with a large height difference over other people. Even so, it shouldn't be something to find hard times with.
Being very tall can sometimes make you feel awkward. I have felt like this many times in many different situations. But I have begun to realize something very important. This feeling of awkwardness comes from me alone. People out there do not really find it to be a big deal to hang around someone who is very tall. Yes, they may notice when they first meet you that you happen to be a tall person. After a few minutes however, this is completely irrelevant to the two of you or whatever group you happen to be in. I hope this helps you to realize that you being tall isn't something that everyone else is obsessively thinking about. Because it's not.
You may think people will always remember you in their heads as "that tall guy." Being tall is not your defining feature in life. I've learned that your personality and the way you treat people is what others will remember about you. Please don't think that people will only think of you as "that big tall guy." People don't think as much about your height as you may think they do. This is something I used to wonder about. But I've realized that my height doesn't matter to people at all. This is something you can be happy with when thinking about your height.
I hope all of you tall guys out there can really take pride in being tall. Trust me, there are many people who would love to have our height. I receive comments all the time of people telling me they wish they were my size. So that's pretty cool, I have to admit. Plus, we know all the advantages that come with being tall. Our height is something we cannot change. If we are tall, we're always going to be tall. Obviously, we'll be tall for the rest of our lives. So the best thing we can do is take pride in the advantages we have. I hope you can learn to love yourself and your height. Let it show through in your personality and the way you interact with others.
I hope that maybe you've found some of these words to be helpful in a small way. If you're struggling with accepting your height, please remember that there are many of us tall guys out there. Don't ever fear. Being an extremely tall guy is a very good thing to be.
Do you play basketball?
Do you play basketball? How many times have you ever been asked this question? If you're like me, you've heard this many times. Like probably into the thousands of times. It's a question we tall people have gotten used to hearing over the years. No matter your age, I'm sure you have heard people ask you this.
People just see us and their first reaction is to think of basketball. It seems that this is the first thing they associate tall people with, which probably makes sense. There doesn't seem to be a lot of tall people represented in pop culture other than in basketball or sports. If only this was different, I don't think we would receive as many comments about playing basketball.
If you're a little tired of being asked this question, I can really feel for you! I've been asked this many times. I suppose the best thing to do is to answer truthfully (whether you do play or not) and try to be friendly. But I can understand if it's hard to answer with a smile every time.
I do believe that a lot of people actually understand that tall people are asked this question very often. I often get people saying "I bet you get that a lot," which is very true and very generous of them to realize. Maybe in the future... this question will lose it's popularity. We all know that tall people do more than play basketball!
Beds for Tall People
Finding beds for tall people can be a challenge. We sometimes have trouble fitting into certain beds. Have you ever had this problem? As a very tall guy, it has always been hard for me to lay in some beds. There are only certain ways I can lay in a bed that allows me to feel comfortable.
If you're tall, you probably know what I mean. One problem is that most beds are just not long enough for some of us. They don't stretch out enough. I've been in many beds where my legs hang out over the edge! If you're tall, I know you definitely understand what I'm talking about. The solution I've found is to adjust your body sideways or at an angle in the bed. It is what seems to help me the most. It is kind of hard to lay completely straight if your legs are too long. This is the best way for me to fit in the bed more comfortably.
This isn't possible in a single's bed though. We just have to do the best we can. If you happen to be with another person, it would be even more interesting. The most obvious advice I can give to tall people out there would be to look for longer beds. They may cost more, but I'd say they're worth it in the long run. I know my legs sometimes feel tired if they're cramped up in a small space for too long.
Hopefully you don't have a huge problem when it comes to sleeping. It can be uncomfortable depending on what your situation is and how you feel in the bed. But, with a little adjusting you can find a way that is best to sleep for you. You may even want to check out longer beds. I know this is something that is beneficial for tall people and can help out greatly.
Are tall people slower?
Do you think tall people are slower? This seems so strange to consider. It has been said that tall people may have slower sensory reactions compared to others. This is due to us having longer nerves. You may have also heard that tall people just move slower. I don't know if you really believe this or not, but it feels crazy that something like this could be true.
I suppose that each person is different, but the way we move really affects us. If you have more of an upbeat type of personality, you probably move quicker. This seems kind of obvious. But could it be possible that tall people move slower, no matter what? We have longer legs, so you may be quick to think that we can walk faster than others. This is because we have longer strides in our steps. But on the other hand, it may take a longer time to take each step. (Of course, we're dealing with very small numbers here - probably milliseconds.) This all may not seem like a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and it's probably not. But I'd bet it would be interesting to know how much longer it takes us to take our steps and do other movements (bicyclying, etc).
The more important thing to take into account is probably our level of energy. More energetic people will move faster when doing just about anything. So a tall person could overcome any shortcomings they have with their walking speed by building up their energy levels.
So there you have it, a topic that probably isn't important at all, but just something unique to consider. I've always been fascinated in little small tidbits of random information like this. I have no idea if tall people are actually "slower" than other people and I don't really think it makes a difference. But it's very cool to think about.
Are tall people happier in life?
I love being a tall person. It intrigues me when I see articles and news clips saying that tall people might be happier in life. I can certainly see the advantages of being tall. I think it could be true to some extent that tall people could be happy when it comes to certain things in life. Our height is a wonderful blessing if we choose to see it that way.
For example, we can use our height to internally express confidence in ourself. Being tall makes us different. It makes us unique. Without our height, we wouldn't have this particular situation. I know that for myself, my height has been something I have gotten used to. At first I was sort of apathetic about being very tall, I didn't really like it or dislike it. But now, I am learning to embrace it. It's not even something I think about every day. Being tall has given me something to take pride in. I can definitely see how this would make a tall person happy.
There also are socially unconscious benefits to being tall. People think certain things about tall people without even realizing it. Tall people are sometimes perceived as being better leaders. They may command more respect without noticing it. Even men and women often gravitate towards tall people when looking for a partner. Once again, they may not consciously realize they are doing this. But it happens. These are all reasons that it would seem to make tall people very happy.
If you're tall, I definitely recommend that you do the best you can to embrace these positive traits. We didn't choose to be tall. Being tall certainly has its setbacks. But it is so advantageous for us to take advantage of everything that being tall has to offer. Truly take pride in your height. When you do this, your self-esteem can sky-rocket. I remember when I first told myself that I would never want to change my height. Even if I had the choice to choose my height, I would still stay very tall. I felt so wonderful about making this decision. It was a really great thing for me.
I can't say whether tall people are happier. But I do know that anyone can be happy. It is all a matter of working on yourself, working to improve yourself and your prospects in life. Intellectually stimulated people and those who strive for learning do seem to be very satisfied. No matter what you do, if you keep this in mind, you always have the potential to be happier in the future.
Meeting a Tall Person
If you're meeting a tall person, you may be surprised by their height at first. Most people are. Believe me, us tall people know all about the "mystique" we can provide. Who would ever think that being tall could make people so surprised sometimes?
If you're tall, you know exactly what I'm talking about. People seem so surprised by our height sometimes! They look. They smile. They make comments. It's great to think that I can provide someone with a smile or an "amazing" moment for them. It seems silly but some people really are amazed at seeing a very tall guy or girl. To be honest, there really aren't that many of us. Very tall boys and girls are hard to come by. I do think people genuinely mean the best when they have a reaction and tell us about our height. They might wonder what to say or do.
If you see someone really tall, just keep in mind that we love to get smiles! (and hugs too!) But it's really up to you how you react. Some people will ask about our height and others won't say anything. I actually believe that lots of people realize tall people get asked about their height all the time, and so they make sure not to say anything about it. Each person will react differently to these questions. I have learned to become ok with them. I don't mind telling someone about how tall I am. I don't like it if someone makes a comment in a teasing way, but I am generally ok with everything else. Each person is just different when it comes to how they feel.
Tall people are just like everyone else and are nothing to be afraid of. If you're intimidated by a tall person, please don't be! We drive cars, eat food, and like to shop for expensive things just like everyone else. If you meet tall people, maybe now you know what to do. :)
Tall Comebacks
I'm really interested in having a section on this site all about comebacks and how to respond when people make comments about our height. I would be very interested in knowing any replies you may have thought of! Do you ever say anything back when people say something about how tall you are? Many of us are ok with people talking about our height all the time, but I definitely understand that we can get tired of it after it happens so often. If you have any witty or interesting comments, I'd love to hear them from you!
Making "comebacks" can be hard sometimes. We've heard the usual responses to some of the questions we hear.
"Wow, do you play basketball?"
"No. Do you play mini-golf?"
"Wow, you're really tall."
"Thanks, I never noticed."
These are just some of the example of replies us tall people might be accustomed to giving. I know there are many more ideas you guys have. What are some of the replies or comebacks you have thought of?
I don't mean for the replies to be mean or hurtful! That is not my intention at all. I've just been considering some of the possible comebacks we could give when commented on or asked about our height. Hopefully we could reply back in a friendly or non-threatening way when given these types of comments from others.
I know there are many things we could say to help start a conversation with the other person. If they are genuinely interested in talking with us, a great reply back to them could kick start that conversation. There will always be people who make comments just to be rude or without caring, but we shouldn't care about what they say, either. The friendly ones are who we should be focused on.
I'd really love to see this section filled with lots of interesting replies to the tall comments we receive. We could help each other out by offering suggestions for things we could say. If you have some great ideas, feel free to leave them here so everyone can read them!
Thought of any great comebacks?
Have you thought of any great comebacks for when you get comments on your height? Share with us and let us know!
Why It's Great To Be A Tall Guy
Why is being a tall guy so great? One of the reasons I'm doing this site is so that others who might have insecurities about their height can find the positives of being tall. If you're a guy, there is no shortage of things to like about being tall.
Time and time again we see the "studies" come out and confirm what seems to be the overarching truth: Girls really like tall guys. This is something we can really take advantage of! If you're tall, I encourage you to do everything you can to give yourself the happiest life possible. Focus on yourself and some of the core areas of your life - your health, your emotions, your finances, and your happiness or fulfillment. Being tall is an amazing vantage point to have in starting the process of getting your life the way you want it to be. If you don't believe this, consider the effects granted to you by having above average height.
As mentioned above, you're very desirable to girls. Combine this with a great personality, physical fitness, and a confident and assertive nature and you should be well on your way to being with almost any girl out there. In life, if you work hard enough, you can achieve almost anything you want. Wait, scratch that. Actually, you can achieve ANYTHING you want. You can set your goals and do whatever it takes to reach them. It doesn't matter how long it takes to reach the finish line. The time is always going to pass anyway. You can have the relationships you want by working on yourself in every area of your life.
A tall man on the top of his game has so many opportunities. I've mentioned elsewhere on this site some of the advantages to being tall - more attention, easily noticeable to others, and leadership opportunities just to name a few. These definitely tie in to the advantages of being a tall man. If you're a tall guy, no matter how tall, (anywhere from 6' to 7' and up) you have so many weapons at your disposal to create the life of your dreams.
The point of this article was just to point out that it is in fact a really good thing to be a tall man in society today. I know there are lots of young people out there who struggle with issues about themselves and lots of guys are worried about being too tall. If you're a tall man, I encourage you not to worry about anything at all relating to this. Just work to take advantage of the opportunities you have. It is an amazingly good thing to be tall.
Martin Van Buren Bates - The Kentucky Giant
Another very tall guy of interest is Martin Van Buren Bates. He lived from 1837-1919 and actually participated in the American Civil War. Different accounts have him listed between 7'9" to 7"11, but whatever his true height, it had to have been remarkable for that time.
Martin fought in the Civil War and was noticed for his amazing size on the battlefield. After the war, he met a woman who actually eclipsed him in size. Anna Haining Swan was around 8 feet tall, taller even than Martin himself. The two married in London, England after a courtship.
I find it remarkable that two people of such stature could find each other and marry. From what I've read, they seemed to have been very happy together. The two traveled in the circus and entertained all who came to see. What a riveting site to imagine. A link to his wikipedia article is below.
How Tall is Tom Cruise?
How tall is Tom Cruise? According to the sources I checked, the leading actor appears to be around 5'7" in height. Tom Cruise has always been very popular in these height related searches. His stature is a little bit shorter than that of the average American man, but I'd say he's done quite well for himself. He's one of the leading actors in Hollywood and is popular in every role he plays.
It also goes to show that height has no bearing on whether you can succeed in life. Do you think a lot of women find Tom Cruise attractive? I would be willing to definitely bet so. He might be just a smidge under the average height for males, and he probably has women going crazy for him all the time. This just goes to show, girls do not ONLY like tall guys! If you're a guy reading this who happens to be around the same size as Tom Cruise, understand that you can be that guy (you know the kind I'm talking about) no matter how tall you are.
When it comes to admiring the people in our culture, we always seem to look for those with a lot of fame or high status. (Some would even say high stature.) With Tom Cruise though, you can see that tall stature is not needed to excel in any area of life. Relationships, social status, financial status - height does not prohibit anyone from having any of this.
Interestingly enough, he has been named one of the sexiest men in the world many times. I think it's a given that people look up to him and admire his work. 5'7" has the potential to be just the right height for anyone.
How Tall is Brad Pitt?
How tall is Brad Pitt? He seems to be around 5'11" according to sources around the internet. It actually seems surprising given that you might think he is taller. He has always been known as a "ladies man", or a " hollywood hunk," or whatever name you would want to call him. Most people would guess that he is a little bit taller.
Just like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt isn't very very tall. He is around the average height for males. And once again, he is very attractive to the ladies. I think I'm sensing a pattern here. Girls like tall guys, but it isn't a prerequisite for being attractive. These guys know how to make it work without being super tall. (Although, the actor/movie star thing may have a little something to do with
He's a guy that a lot of us look up to. I know that lots of guys wish they could look similar to Brad Pitt. Since this is a website focused around tall people, I can give you a small hint. Most of us tall guys can! It just depends on how hard and willing you are to work to achieve your fitness goals. I'm sure that if you were really committed, you could have your body almost any way you wanted it. Brad Pitt probably has to train for his movies to have just the right kind of body size. Could you do this too? Maybe this will give you a little motivation to try and start.
Being even 5'11" is a great height to have. There is no best height in the world. It really is up to how you perceive it. It's very interesting to examine the heights of famous people to see how they compare to us.
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How Tall is Johnny Depp?
So how tall is Johnny Depp? He's another famous actor well known for his many different movie roles. He seems to play eccentric, off-beat type characters. He's very unique and his height is something people always ask about. He's not exceptionally tall, either. Johnny Depp is under six feet in height. But his exact size is a little confusing. Doing basic internet searches (you can do the same kind of searches) I couldn't find an exact, concrete answer. Some sources say he's around 5'10. Other's say 5'9" and I've even read that he could be more around 5'7". But whatever his height, it's safe to say that it has probably been interesting for him.
After watching some of his movies, you can see that his ability as an actor to play odd types of characters really comes in handy. I wonder if how tall he is has affected his ability to get roles or play his characters. I can imagine that being very tall would affect my ability as an actor. I wonder if Johnny Depp was taller if he would have a harder time being himself? He's a pretty unique actor.
Even though I couldn't quite get an exact figure for his height, we all know that he's not a super tall kind of guy. But it doesn't matter at all. He's extremely successful and probably will be for the rest of his acting career. Everyone knows him from the Pirates movies, but he also has other interesting roles as well. Johnny Depp, though not a tall guy, is a great actor and movie superstar.
How Tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
So how tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger? He is about 6'2 in height according to a lot of places on the internet. However, I did find different stories claiming him to be shorter. Some people say 5'11. It all depends on the source. I think however tall you believe he may be, it doesn't quite make a difference in how we perceive him. When I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm reminded of him in his heyday, being a very muscular movie star. I'm sure this is how others see him too.
Arnold is known for many things. He's been a bodybuilder, an actor, and a politician. His accent is very recognizable to lots of people. You can probably bet that his height helped him get the action movie roles he is well known for. This along with his bulk has made him so noticeable and famous.
I also believe it's worth pointing out what fitness can do for anybody out there. If you're a tall person who works out, you can really be well noticed. He is very famous for his bodybuilding persona and his movie roles seem to revolve around this. You just know that he has inspired many young guys out there to start working out in some form or fashion.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of those guys I will always remember for being buff and fit. He is tall for a guy, but not terribly so. If he really is 6'2, he's a great example of what tall guys can achieve if they become serious about bodybuilding or weight training. Perhaps all tall guys should consider weightlifing if they are able.
How Tall is Shakira?
Many people ask "How tall is Shakira?" She's not very tall at all and is well-known for being small in the music world. She may be one of the shortest people profiled on this site! The Colombian-born singer clocks in at about 5'1. Some people say 4'11' and others 5'2, but it's safe to say that this is the general range for her height. She is well known in America and the rest of the world for her singing, dancing, and even philanthropic efforts.
I thought it would be very interesting to feature a celebrity who is famous for being on the opposite end of the height scale. Shakira is very popular for her music, but it's also known that she is small. Many people are always wondering how tall she is, and so many people are enamored with her. If you watch any of her music videos, you can see she is not very tall at all.
Shakira is the kind of person who would look tiny next to a very tall man or woman. Her height may or may not have had anything to do with helping her achieve fame. She will be popular for years to come and it's likely people will always notice her short stature. Height has nothing to do with success, but it's just interesting to think about how everyone perceives you based on how tall you are.
Shakira is also famous for her charity work. She has played in benefit concerts and worked with several foundations in many areas. She seems to be making a difference and doing great things for kids in impoverished areas around the globe.
How tall is Katie Holmes?

How tall is Katie Holmes? You may be wondering how tall Tom Cruise's former wife happens to be. She is a bit taller than him and the whole world seemed to know about it when they were together. Katie Holmes is 5'9 according to many internet sources. She was very popular while she was married to Tom Cruise, but very famous even before the two of them were together.
Katie Holmes is an example of a tall woman who was with a man a bit shorter than her. She is about two inches taller than Tom Cruise and you can tell by seeing the pictures of them. It's a great example of a woman being taller than the man and it goes to show that this type of relationship is not uncommon. It is possible for a taller girl to be with a guy shorter than herself. And in the case of Tom and Katie, they were a famous couple, at that. If you've seen her in movies or on television, you probably haven't thought about her height that much. It seems to be emphasized only when Tom Cruise is mentioned.
Katie Holmes is tall for a woman at 5'9, but there are many women who are even taller. It will be interesting to see what kind of film roles she may have in the future. For this website and the tall people community, when we hear about her, we probably think of her being taller than her former husband. But this is what many people are reminded of. It just goes to show that women can definitely be taller than their men. It's nowhere near as rare as people think.
Guss How Tall Beyonce Knowles is?
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How tall is Beyonce Knowles? The singer, known just as Beyonce, is 5'7 in height and is taller than the average woman. She is extremely popular around the world and will be popular for years to come. She's probably known mostly to younger fans. Older people may not know as much about her. Beyonce happens to be a bit shorter than her husband, rapper Jay-Z.
I didn't know if many people would be interested in knowing how tall Beyonce is, but I wanted to write about her because she is very popular. Believe it or not, she happens to be one of the only people on this list who is more than a few inches shorter than her husband. She is around 7 inches shorter than Jay-Z, who is about 6'2 in height.
Beyonce Knowles happens to be taller than the average girl or woman, but only by a few inches. She is not as tall as what many would consider to be a "tall girl." I found it interesting that she was only 5'7 because I thought she might have been an inch or two taller. Many girls who are on this website will probably be taller than Beyonce.
Besides having a music career, she is also known for appearing on film and being a businesswoman. Beyonce is all over the news for many different things and you can't pick up a celebrity magazine without seeing her somewhere. Lots of young people seem to know much about her. I profiled her because I figured many would like to see just how tall she is. So how tall is singer Beyonce Knowles? Approximately 5'7.
No matter how tall you are also can make difference!
You may be wondering, "How Tall is Matt Damon?" Damon has been popular for the last decade or so and has had starring roles in more than a few flicks. The general consensus on the internet is that Matt Damon is 5'10. He may be a inch or two taller, but this is the general range for his height. When you think about him, you probably don't think about his height at first, because it's not a defining feature of him. But many people would like to know just how tall he is, and that is precisely why he is featured here.
We may not have exact data for the heights of celebrities, but we can generally make a good guess based on the impression of the person. Matt Damon does appear to be about 6 feet tall or slightly less in pictures. 5'10 is probably a very good estimate. He is not super tall or has a height out of the ordinary. This is interesting because we seem to notice that not a lot of celebrity men seem to be very tall. This is in line with real life, where only a small percentage of men are actually somewhat tall.
As mentioned previously, Matt Damon has been very popular in recent years, due to work in films and charity efforts. His height may have nothing to do with his success, but he is mentioned here because lots of people ask about him. He is probably one of the most successful actors of our time. He also is not successful because of his height, it has nothing to do with his success as an actor. Matt Damon is about 5'10 in height.
Am I Too Tall??
Have you ever felt like you are too tall? I know a lot of people out there, especially kids, feel like this sometimes. It's not always easy growing up being taller than everyone else. And I mean this for both girls and guys. I know that girls can sometimes have a really hard time dealing with being taller than their friends. And they don't like being taller than the guys their age either. Likewise, tall boys can feel the same way. They may feel that girls won't want to be with them because they are "too tall."
I know how hard it can be growing up taller than everyone else. I have been through exactly the same thing. I was always much taller than all of my classmates, and even taller than all of the adults I was around. So I know what it feels like. I just want to let all of you tall people out there know that it is okay to be tall! This is so important to realize. No one is "too tall." There is no such thing as that. Everyone in life has their differences and troubles they may be going through. We should try to understand that all people go through hardships at one time or another. And struggling to accept our height is no different.
When it comes down to it, there is really nothing too big about us being taller than everyone else. So we may stand out a little more from other people. But what does this matter? In the big scheme of things, it doesn't make a difference at all. We are still all people. And all people are different. When you are a teen growing up, life can be hard sometimes, but it is important to see the big picture. Everything will be okay in the long run. Our height makes us unique. If you are in a school with 500 people and you are the tallest one there, guess what? That means that you have something that 499 people don't have. This should really be something to celebrate! I have come to love the fact that I am different from most of the people I run into. It took a lot of time for me to learn to accept myself fully, but now that I have, it feels really great. I know that you can get this confidence too. It just takes time and the ability to appreciate yourself for the person you are - a special human being who is unlike anyone else on this earth.
It's also worth noting that there are many people just like you who are also going through the same thing. The internet has opened us up to so much that we otherwise wouldn't have access to. We can read about other people's experiences and feelings and compare them to our own. For example, if you are a girl, you can check out the dating page http://tallloving.com/ to know what many other girls have said about their height and you can also find a guy like you have the same troubles to make friends. You are not alone at all. And you are never "too tall." You are just the right size for who you are.
Why use dating sites
In this busy world it can be difficult to find the time to meet other people and go on dates. Many people meet others through social networking sites, forums, and chat rooms; though it is hard to know for sure how much of what they have told you are true. For this reason, online dating sites are a much safer way to meet new people and begin possible relationships.
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When you meet someone through a common platform, such as social networking sites, chat rooms, or forums, without meeting face to face, you don’t know for sure if everything they say is true. They may not be who they say they are; online predators are out there and prey on people that leave themselves vulnerable. Online dating sites can help take some of the risk out of this, as they are required to provide actual information about people from profiles that can be checked. Also, online dating sites may provide safety tips to help you make sure you don’t get taken advantage of by someone you’ve met online.
Meet Other Singles in Your Own Area
You could be talking to someone from across the country or in another part of the world, when meeting people through social networking sites and chat rooms. By using online dating sites, you can focus on people that are located in your area. This can help by making arrangements to meet more convenient.
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With online dating sites it is easier to have control over who decide to meet. There are a variety of online dating sites that cater to specific religions, hobbies, and locations. This is useful for people looking to date someone with the same values, such as a Christian wanting to date another Christian. There are even online dating sites that are strictly for senior citizens.
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Finding what you’re looking for is much easier with online dating sites. By browsing people’s profiles you can find someone that is looking for the same type of relationship as you. Additionally, you can find someone that enjoys the same activities and interests. Dating someone with the same interests and goals will help increase the chances of having a more successful relationship.
There are many benefits to using an online dating service that makes them perfect for meeting other singles. If you just need a friend to talk to, then try using social networking sites, chat rooms, forums, and video games to meet people. For people looking to build a long term relationship with someone new, online dating sites are definitely the route to use. The safety and security in knowing that the person you’re meeting is really who they say they are, being able to find someone with similar interests, as well as finding singles located in the same area are all great reasons to turn to online dating sites to find Mr. or Mrs. Right.
How to get someone to like you
How to get someone to like you. Getting someone to like you is actually not easy. You would have to give up on yourself, you would have to give up who you are and become a person your partner wants to be. Someone maybe likes you but doesn't pursue you so you would not feel liked in this situation.
Then we would have to change a question, it would be not how to get someone to like, but how to make a person to do what I want.
For example, if someone tells you he/she likes you but doesn't give you any attention and doesn't want to be around you, how liked would you feel in such situation. In order for us to feel liked we need people do what we want on some level, we need people give us attention and affection.
It's the hardest part to make someone to give you affection that you deserve. You would only feel liked if your loved person was in your life. Because there is no benefit when someone tells you he likes you but doesn't want to be in your life?
So, how can you control the other person and make them do what you want? Give you the affection and respect that you deserve and want so much?
In this situation you would have to compromise yourself and give your lover a space. Yes, give him as much space as he needs and wants, so he could figure out if he likes you enough to pursue you and be around you. There is not much else that you can really do, just try to give space. Give him all the freedom that he needs and if it was meant to be then he will come back into your life. It is hard to do.
Another aspect of such relationship is, you might never feel liked enough because you might always feel like you like more. If you want someone to like you, it means that you are facing the fact that you feel you like the other person more. How can you prove who likes whom more? It could be that you would always need more affection and more love from the other person and never feel truly happy and satisfied.
Try everything you can you think you need to do and able to do to start or save your relationship and if it works out then it meant to be, if doesn't work out then it never meant to be. You can't really force someone to like you, if you can meet that person's needs then you will be more likable, but if you meet a person who doesn't have many needs, then it would really hard to win his/or her heart.
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