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How tall is Katie Holmes?

How tall is Katie Holmes? You may be wondering how tall Tom Cruise's former wife happens to be. She is a bit taller than him and the whole world seemed to know about it when they were together. Katie Holmes is 5'9 according to many internet sources. She was very popular while she was married to Tom Cruise, but very famous even before the two of them were together.
Katie Holmes is an example of a tall woman who was with a man a bit shorter than her. She is about two inches taller than Tom Cruise and you can tell by seeing the pictures of them. It's a great example of a woman being taller than the man and it goes to show that this type of relationship is not uncommon. It is possible for a taller girl to be with a guy shorter than herself. And in the case of Tom and Katie, they were a famous couple, at that. If you've seen her in movies or on television, you probably haven't thought about her height that much. It seems to be emphasized only when Tom Cruise is mentioned.
Katie Holmes is tall for a woman at 5'9, but there are many women who are even taller. It will be interesting to see what kind of film roles she may have in the future. For this website and the tall people community, when we hear about her, we probably think of her being taller than her former husband. But this is what many people are reminded of. It just goes to show that women can definitely be taller than their men. It's nowhere near as rare as people think. 

